Well-being and the workplace

Blog #34 – Well-being and the workplace “The wellness-at-work movement is accelerating in the U.S. at a time when employers generally are desperate to cut costs, and you have to wonder why. Employers on average will spend 15% more per employee on wellness programs this year than last… As work becomes increasingly cognitive, fast-changing, and…

Money & happiness – ways to make it work

Blog #32 – Money & happiness – ways to make it work   The relationship between money and happiness is a topic worth lingering on, as it deals with two things that people tend to spend a lot of time (perhaps too much) thinking about. In previous posts, we have highlighted common misconceptions around the…

Life Satisfaction

Blog #33 – Life satisfaction   We have touched on this topic before, but it is important to pay specific attention to the distinction between happiness and life satisfaction, as it relates to well-being. In early posts in this series, we highlighted the potential for disappointment if an individual’s sole strategy for boosting their well-being…