Community Mental Health Team
Mallow/Charleville Community Mental Health Team is located in the Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. Being accessible is an important step in addressing the ongoing challenge of reducing the stigma and fear experienced when as individuals we find ourselves in emotional and psychological distress. This level of integration of services will facilitate an enhanced way of working in partnership for health professionals based in MPHC and in developing innovative holistic and accessible responses for service users.
The focus of the Mallow/Charleville Community Mental Health Team is a recovery model of practice informing all aspects of service delivery. The development of links between primary care services, voluntary groups and the wider community work together to enhance and promote mental health and wellbeing. The involvement of service users and carers in service development and delivery is important to all. This innovative service does offer choice to clients and families in how the acute and recovery phases of illness will be treated and coordinated by the Multi Disciplinary Team and aims to reduce the necessity and frequency of hospitalisation.
Community Mental Health Services covering North Cork are accepting referrals from General Practitioners. All referrals are discussed on a weekly basis by the Multidisciplinary Team. The grand majority of patients are offered appointments within 3 months. For critical presentations, patients can be referred to St. Stephen’s Hospital where support is offered 24/7.
Link to CAMHS –