The North Cork Dementia Alliance (NCDA) is a community dementia project, led by the HSE Occupational Therapy Department in North Cork. It involves collaboration between the HSE, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Ballyhoura Rural Services, families affected by dementia and UCC.

Established in 2013, the base for the NCDA is the Memory Resource Room on the HSE Floor of Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. It is registered with the Charity Regulatory Authority, Registration No 20204866.

There is no charge for the majority of our services and you do not need a medical card to access them. You can be referred to the service by your GP, healthcare professional or you can contact the service directly to arrange an appointment.


Contact details

The North Cork Dementia Alliance,

Memory Resource Room,

Floor 2,

Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre,


022 58700

086 787 1818