

Physiotherapists work with you to maintain or improve your quality of life by assessing how and why your body moves and functions the way it does. Movement may be problematic in a part of, or the whole body by inactivity; injury, disability; illness or disease which can occur at any stage from birth to old age. Your physiotherapist will advise and guide you to rehabilitate your body back to normal function.

In Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre the physiotherapist may invite you to a pre-treatment assessment screening clinic and/or see you in the physiotherapy department, individually or as part of a group or class.

In some instances the physiotherapists may see people in the home situation or another setting. You may also meet us in our role of providing support and advice to families; carers; or other health professionals on the management of many conditions and in the broader community promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for all.

To assess whether your condition is appropriate for the physiotherapy service you need a referral from your GP or other health professional.

Paediatric Physiotherapy takes place in Market Square in Mallow – phone 022/30210 – referrals are from the GP or other health professionals.

