
Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service

The Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service (CNDS) service is open to adults and children.  All patients require a referral from their GP to see the Dietitian.  Dietitians see a broad range of medical conditions requiring dietary intervention such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Weight Management, Coeliac Disease and many others.  Dietitians work with individuals to provide them with knowledge and information on their condition, to prepare meal plans specific to individuals and to assist them make dietary changes suitable to them.  The CNDS service also runs a group programme for people with Type 2 Diabetes called XPERT.  This programme is run over 6 weeks (2 and a 1/2 hrs per week) and provides people with the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their Diabetes. Dietitians also provide the SCOTTS programme; this is a family based approach to dealing with childhood obesity.  The aim of the programme is to change habits, it is not based on ‘diets’.  We will give information about healthy eating to ensure that the child has a balanced diet for growing, playing and learning.
